Get Organized
Do you need a Professional Organizer?
Disorganized people aren’t the only ones who benefit from working with a Professional Organizer. Sometimes you get so busy that things get out of control. Sometimes you need help to get back on track. Or you may choose to spend time on other priorities than staying organized. Or you may be one for whom organizing skills are not a strength and you just want some help to get started.
If you have tried in the past to become organized and were unsuccessful, you may feel that you just aren’t able to get organized, much less stay that way. Many disorganized people simply don’t know where to start. That’s where a Professional Organizer comes in.
You know it's time to hire a professional organizer when:
So why haven't you hired an organizer?
Feeling embarrassed over your clutter is understandable with friends or relations but as professional we organizers we are compassionate and, non-judgmental. We have professionals who've seen clutter in every possible manifestation you can think of. If you can take a deep breath and power past the embarrassment you'll discover that the simple act of getting objective outside eyes on your situation often breaks up the energy logjam.
Getting steam rolled:
You may have a cartoon image of organizers as bossy people intent on pressuring you into throwing things out that you're not ready to let go of and then impose some complex organizing system. Actually, organizers are trained to declutter and co-create systems at a rate that's comfortable for you.
Going through someone's possessions is entering their private, intimate world. When you work with a professional organizer confidentiality is a given.